

Sydney Indie FF Monday 17th 6PM – Romantic Comedy Rollercoaster Love + Short films! + Meet the Filmmakers!

Sydney Indie Film Festival – Romantic Comedy Rollercoaster Love + Short films! + Meet the Filmmakers!
From Italy, Australian and Brazil, with love!
Girls night out, Guys night out, everybody night out!
What better way to spend Monday night than watching movies that will put smiles on your face? :)

Monday, 17th October 2016
Time: 6PM
Location: Screening Cinema Room @ The Local

Feature Film:
Rollercoaster Love (ITALY)
(Australian Premiere)
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDS1mxgRXaI
Director: Emanuele Valla
Cast: Luca Nucera, Tania Tuccinardi, Elena Curti, Dario D’Ambrosio, Francesco Antimiani, Giorgio Pellegrini, Chiara Militerno, Erica Sani, Elia Galeotti, Daniele Bertani, Davide Pessina, Jo Sassi, Gian Marco Schiaretti, Giacomo Pelizzoni, Mattia Tagliavini, Veronica Mattei, Stella Piroli, Achille Maini
Synopsis: Certain stories are damn true and love is damn unstable: suddenly it brings you up and then it throws you down at the same speed, slamming you around, makes you want to screa, shaking your stomach… However, you want to try again. Like those tangles of iron, bolts and rails that we call roller coasters, for which we go along sometimes mileage queues. The parallelism between schizophrenia of love and iconic attractions from amusement parks is quite obvious: Rollercoaster Love is about that and the seemingly endless queue crossed by David, yet tried by his “last ride”, before returning up on a roller coaster ride.




Short Films:

Film introduced by Director Michela Carattini (Unspoiled by Feminism) followed by Q&A after screenings

The Load (BRAZIL)
Director: Aline Rezende
Cast: Maria Gal, Vinicius Manne, Michel Blois, Lorena da Silva
Synopsis: A sensual married truck driver mother of two kids, takes a lover to live in her house. How to make the husband accepted this situation?



Unspoiled by Feminism (AUSTRALIA)
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZtg-Bz0GF0&feature=youtu.be
Director: Michela Carattini
Cast: Michela Carattini, Leigh Scully
Synopsis: Frustrated by the dating scene, Nathan thinks he’s found the perfect match in Sonia, a Czech girl he’s met online, who claims she’s “unspoiled by feminism.” On their first date, things go exactly as planned, with surprising results. The tango ensues: gender performance and impossible expectations meet self-discovery and reality in this multi-layered romantic comedy made in our multicultural times.

Film introduced by Director Michela Carattini (Unspoiled by Feminism) followed by Q&A after screenings


