

Sydney Indie Film Festival 2018 – 30th October 5:30PM – Short Films #9 – Mixed Bag #4!

Sydney Indie Film Festival 2018 – 30th October 5:30PM - Short Films #9 – Mixed Bag #4!

“Magic Alps” “Mother, Child” “Papercut” “Sound of Silence – Born severely deaf” “Sylvia” “The Missing Things” “The Redhead” “The Son, the Father” “The Terrible Tale of Henrietta Tate” “Weird”

+ Q&A with the Filmmakers!





Tue. 30 October 2018, 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

For the Red Carpet Meetings & Greetings Shananigans :)

Magic Alps

Director: Andrea Brusa, Marco Scotuzzi, Italy

Cast: Giovanni Storti, Hassan El Aouni

Synopsis: When an Afghan refugee arrives in Italy with his goat to seek asylum, an Italian immigration officer finds himself in a difficult position because he doesn’t know what to do with the animal. Based on a true story.

Australian Premiere

Trailer: https://vimeo.com/251124747 https://www.facebook.com/MagicAlps/

Mother, Child

Director: Tin Pang, Australia

Cast: Gabrielle Chan, Lawrence Leung

Synopsis: Having suffered a recent Stroke, a mother and her adult son are reacquainted and forced to live together. As they face the physical and psychological challenges head on, they’re placed on an emotional collision course, leading them to question whether their close proximity is such a good idea.

Trailer: https://vimeo.com/222086710





Director: Damian Overton, Australia

Cast: Josh Kieser, Kieton Beilby, Donnie Baxter

Synopsis: Two closeted actors on their way to their first high profile awards ceremony fight both expectation and each other, as intimacy and insecurity collide in the back seat of a car.

Sydney Premiere

Trailer: https://twitter.com/OmadProductions https://www.facebook.com/papercutshortfilm/


Sound of Silence – Born severely deaf

Director: Philippe Woodtli, Switzerland

Cast: Robin Gillon

Synopsis: A young man born severely deaf faced exclusion from society from his early days on. He was bullied by his peers, branded a fool by his teachers, and locked away in a basement at his first job at a bank—but Robin Gillon found his way through, all thanks to skiing.

Australian Premiere

Trailer: https://vimeo.com/282560071 https://www.facebook.com/WOOProductions/



Director: Richard Prendergast, United Kingdom

Cast: Jolie Lennon, Benjamin Hartley, Gaynor Fraser, Maisie Prendergast

Synopsis: A loving family set off in their car on what seems like a carefree family outing. As Mandy drives, they sing along to a favourite song, stop for ice- creams and play eye-spy. However, it gradually becomes clear that this isn’t a family outing after all, and that their destination isn’t a happy one. In fact, their destination is the house of a man, due to buy their car, and only once the car has stopped does the actuality of the narrative fully manifest.

Trailer: https://vimeo.com/281101423


https://www.facebook.com/sylviafilm/ https://www.instagram.com/sylvia_film

The Missing Things

Director: Jason van Genderen, Australia

Cast: Hendrika van Genderen

Synopsis: Dementia takes someone you love away in little pieces, every day.

Sydney Premiere

Trailer: https://vimeo.com/290078977


The Redhead

Director: Natalie MacMahon, Germany

Cast: Joey Jordan, Autumn Bartholetti, Myra Eetgerink, Nicole A. Zalewska, Inken Paland, Christian Müller, Natalie MacMahon, Recardo Koppe, Anna Maria Hadorn

Synopsis: When meeting a mysterious redhead in a seductive virtual reality game world, it soon becomes impossible for Aven to distinguish between fantasy and reality.

Aven likes to take off his mind by spending his free time in a virtual reality game, which is set in a mysterious, seductive and ambiguous world. This fantasy world is the perfect contrast to his rather boring every-day life, that is determined by a monotonous callcenter job. Soon this game threatens to take over his life and Aven gets obsessed with a mysterious red-haired woman. What started as a game, eventually becomes bitter reality, where boundaries are non-existent. Has this game become reality or is reality nothing more than a game?

Trailer: https://vimeo.com/244713580

https://twitter.com/nataliemacmahon https://www.facebook.com/theredheadfilm/


The Son, the Father

Director: Lukas Hassel, United States

Cast: Lukas Hassel, Colleen Carey, Lucas Oktay, Chris Morson

Synopsis: The events on a young boy’s birthday have twisted consequences far into his future.

Australian Premiere

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7g1ud5FPPtc&t=3s https://twitter.com/thesonthefathermovie https://www.facebook.com/thesonthefathermovie/


The Terrible Tale of Henrietta Tate

Director: Tom Beckwith Phillips, United Kingdom

Cast: Yumi Lambert, Mark Ryder, Jonathan Holby

Synopsis: Who is Bubble Girl? Bubble girl is the sad, silent mascot of Gummer Gooseberry soda pop. Bubble Girl is a vison of bubblegum pink loveliness, she smiles for the camera, but cries pink soda-pop diamond tears when no-one is looking. As she travels by train to advertise Gummer Gooseberry, under the watchful eye of Mr Control and his son, something strange is afoot, and it’s not just her eye-makeup.

The Terrible Tale of Henrietta Tate, is a lyrical, dystopian fairy-tale.

Australian Premiere

Trailer: https://vimeo.com/253881802



Director: Fausto Montanari, Italy

Synopsis: “Weird” is a short animated film about the diversity.

It is a shout of a girl usual to be judged like weird and different.

She express in the monologue her sufferance and her dream to make possible to delete the concept of weird

She thinks that in the end weirdness is only a point of view and that we are all the same.

But sometime during her speech she fall in the error to indicate something like Weird, because again Weirdness depend from each self and a personal perspective

World Premiere

Trailer: https://vimeo.com/246100918



Program subject to change without notice.