

Sydney Indie Film Festival 2018 – 27th October 4:00PM – Short Films #6 – Made in Australia!

Sydney Indie Film Festival 2018 –  27th October 4:00PM – Short Films #6 – Made in Australia!

“A Crude Injustice” “After Silence” “Benny” “For Your Safety” “Hideaway” “Meeting Mick” “Milk” “Reticent” “The Undoing Of Kate Burchell” “White Lilies”

+ Q&A with the Filmmakers!







Sat. 27 October 2018. 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

For the Red Carpet Meetings & Greetings Shananigans :)

A Crude Injustice

Director: Jane Hammond, Australia, Indonesia

Synopsis: On August 21, 2009 a blowout in the Montara oilfield, off the West Australian coast, caused millions of litres of crude oil to spew into the Timor Sea. The oil continued to pour into the ocean for more than 70 days creating a massive slick that covered an estimated 90,000 square kilometres.

Across the sea in West Timor unaware of the unfolding disaster seaweed farmers started to notice strange changes in their crops. Within a few weeks their seaweed industry had been destroyed and their fish stocks had crashed. But the polluting company, PTTEP AA, denied any responsibility for the impacts of the spill on the people of West Timor and claimed the oil had never made landfall.

Eight years on the people of West Timor are still waiting for justice. This is their story.

Sydney Premiere

Trailer: https://vimeo.com/221595810


After Silence

Director: Peter Kalos, Australia

Cast: Justin Hosking

Synopsis: As he’s about to jump off a rooftop, Tom hears a voice calling out from the window ledge below. It’s him, but a version of him that didn’t pursue his dream. One man pursued the dream and didn’t succeed, living with a sense of failure, poverty and regret. The other chose to forgo the dream, and while he succeeded in his career and made a comfortable living, he always lived with the crushing regret of not following his calling.

Both men are disenchanted with their lives and discuss the pros and cons of each path. In the end, they realise which life is truly worth living, and consequently, which should be forsaken. In a painful decision, Tom gains a deeper appreciation and sense of duty for his chosen path.

World Premiere

https://twitter.com/HoskingJustin http://www.facebook.com/AfterSilenceShortFilm


Director: Mandella Saaid, Australia

Cast: Michael Lee, Brionny Fagan

Synopsis: Benny, a Bipolar suffering hitman, seeks therapy to get his life back on track. As he begins to recount memories about his love-life, things begin to take an unlikely turn.

Australian Premiere

Trailer: https://vimeo.com/243402320


For Your Safety

Director: Dan Walls, Australia

Cast: Brett Whittingham, David Passmore, Dan Walls

Synopsis: A man hatches a plan to catch an online predator. Will justice be served? Sydney Premiere



Director: Cal Croft, Australia

Cast: Finn Scicluna-O’Prey, Gilby Robins, Heather Allardyce, Stavros Psoras

Synopsis: Two young boys battle imaginary monsters together, but soon one’s violent home life is exposed and it is up to his friend to intervene.

Trailer: https://vimeo.com/246911337


Meeting Mick

Director: Susie Forster, Australia

Cast: Mick Parr

Synopsis: Tim Winton-Brown met Mick on the dance floor. Tim was still recovering from the accident that left him with incomplete quadriplegia. Mick’s creativity was infectious and started Tim on his own artistic journey.



Director: Luisa Martiri, Australia

Cast: Sarah Edwards, Persephone Hitzke-Dean, Tom Wilson

Synopsis: A young woman learns to navigate the intimacy of her closest relationships amidst the Brisbane summer heat.

World Premiere


Director: Russell Jenkins, Australia

Cast: Callum Wells, Jan McGinley, Peter Bleby, Damian Rieck

Synopsis: The pub Damien visits after work every Friday is filled with his boisterous male workmates. A lifestyle that Damien has managed to camouflage himself into. On the train ride home, whilst listening to Antonio Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, Damien revisits a moment in his childhood. He remembers playing violin on stage as a very young boy, the spotlight on him. A time when his dream was acknowledged and supported. A time he sorely misses as an adult. He leaves the train and walks to his home. Once cleaned up he retrieves his beloved violin from under the bed and takes it to the living room. Withdrawing into a fantasy, in order to relive his childhood memory as best he can.

World Premiere

The Undoing Of Kate Burchell

Director: Morgan De Silva, Australia

Cast: Caitlin Hill

Synopsis: Kate Burchell is 30 and has everything she’s been told she should have; a steady job, a big house, and a frustratingly ignorant husband. But, over the years, she’s turned into a passenger in her own life. Everyone has a breaking point. And Kate is about to discover hers. https://facebook.com/pg/TheUndoingOfKateBurchell/

White Lilies

Director: Lucy Gale, Australia

Cast: Julian Pulvermacher, Natasha Wanganeen

Synopsis: When a failing florist is unable to financially support his dying mother, he makes shady decisions to boost sales.

World Premiere

Trailer: https://vimeo.com/259083244


Program subject to change without notice.