

We’re answering the big question by many filmmakers: Why my film didnt get selected?

We’re sharing this insider information post to answer the big question by many filmmakers:




sydney indie help answers for filmmakers


Hello Dear Filmmakers!

In the middle of all celebrations for all Official Selections Films, we wanted to take out a moment to answer this big question from many films who didn’t make it to the Official Selections to be screened at the Sydney Indie events in front of an audience!

The big question: “Why my film didn’t get selected?”

We get this question all the time, and we always do our best to reply all emails, because we are passionate about films, and mostly, about the people who dedicate their lives to make them, you!

So we’re writing this as a way to help many filmmakers to understand why their films didn’t make it to the finals, not just at the Sydney Indie, but these apply to most festivals with live audience screenings!

And please remember:
You made a film! That’s already a massive WIN!
Many are still talking about their ideas and didn’t even write yet, or they already departed from this world without ever pursuing their passion, because it is scary to actually do what you love, to say no to naysayers, negativity, our own fearful voices sometimes, so many obstacles, and to actually take an idea from our minds to the screen, and you made it!

Many festivals charge extra fees for a feedback, but we don’t have that for various reasons, one of them being that we learned through conversations with various filmmakers who required that service from other festivals, but were not happy with the outcome, because in reality, none of us want to hear that perhaps our baby were not perfect. Yes, we understand that our films are our babies, that we spend months, sometimes years during “gestation” to bring it to life. Yes, we understand too well how much it hurts when our babies get don’t make it.

As filmmakers ourselves, who also have been through the pain of having our babies not making it and knowing how painful those “not accepted” notifications are, this is the hardest part of our work. It hurts us as well to send those notifications because our goal is to support as many projects as we can, as we’ve been doing since our first year, to bring people together, to connect, to unite.

While we learned that we must focus on all the happy notifications we send and all the celebrations and all the positive impact we have in the community, we can never forget the ones that got away, the ones that we love but for one reason or another, didn’t make it.

It is extra hard when films by alumni filmmakers don’t make it, because by following editions we already know them, know a little bit of their story, so it hurts us even more when their new projects don’t make it to official selections again. But, at the Sydney Indie, we take pride in equality, that everybody always competes equally, to always keep the festival fair for all participants.

Always remember, as a festival with live screenings in front of an audience, we have to aim to select films that most likely audience will enjoy the experience. While we as filmmakers appreciate and enjoy all films, because we understand the work the goes into it, and we respect that all filmmakers want to tell their stories according to their visions, we know that the audience is tough.
While we know that we can’t please everybody because everybody have different taste, we aim to bring something that will entertain, inspire, stimulate conversations, take them on engaging journeys. And the beautiful part of all of it, is when members of the audience come to our team after the screenings, or we just overhear them talking about how much they enjoyed the film session, and for many who attend the festival for the first time, how they were pleasantly surprised that independent films are better than they expected.

That’s what we aim to achieve.
We want to remind people that it’s all about a great story, that doesn’t matter if a movie doesn’t have Jennifer or Ryan, if the story is good, doesn’t matter if the film don’t have Hollywood budgets nor celebrities.

Alright, let’s get to the facts that you all want to know!





That’s big one, many films could be edited down a lot.
Example: Many feature films would have been much better with at least 20 minutes less depending on their length. Many short films could let go of 5-8 minutes depending on the length.
We understand that as filmmakers it’s hard, after all the work that went to film everything, if in the end they are no longer necessary to tell the story in an effective way, it’s like butchering our film to start cutting down those precious moments.
But the audience doesn’t care.
If a longer version of the films loses the audience, is not worth keeping it longer is it?


Weak performances

Another big one! Very sadly, many actors don’t hold a film.
We see that a lot.
It’s beautiful to see how great performances have nothing to do with age, looks, nothing. It’s what they call the “X Factor”, some people have it, some people don’t.


Lost of believability

It goes together with the weak performances, along with some little details that just loses the audience. Once the audience is lost, that’s it!



Bad endings

Very often the movie is wonderful, we’re thrilled, on the edge of our seats, loving the characters and the stories, but the end is so full of unnecessary twists, that again, it loses the audience.
Great twists are great, but if it ruins the story or loses believability, they are not worth it.
Many many films we feel disheartned because they would have been much more remarkable if they ended say 10-20 minutes earlier.


Weak characters development, that we dont care

That happens very often as well.
Sometimes it will be a massive production, we can tell that a lot went into it, but is heart breaking that the characters were not developed well enough, and we just don’t get hooked in the story, we just don’t care if they live or die because the story didn’t win our hearts.
It happens a lot specially with science fiction and action films.
Sadly, a lot of films focus more on the special effects and action sequences, than the actual story. They may look beautiful, but in the end, thankfully, we’re telling stories to humans, and if we don’t connect in a human level, you lost the audience again.


Repeat stories

Another big one! Actually heard this before from talking with programmers at other festivals we attended, now we fully understand how this is a big factor in the final programming process.
Example, if in the end, there are 2 similar feature films about domestic violence, a common theme in many films, but to keep the diversity in the program, we can only choose one, the one that will make it to the program will be the one with higher scores in everything, story, performances, etc.


Empty film page, looking like lack of commitment

We even have the “Extra Mile Award” to encourage filmmakers to improve, to “go the extra mile” in every level to promote their film.
Filmmakers always ask what is the “Extra Mile Award”
The Extra Mile Award is very dear to us because is part of following up everybody dedication during the festival process. It is s also highly rewarded for filmmakers who perform various tasks in the same film, such as writer-director-actor etc.
We all know the work and sacrifices that goes into making a film, but it doesnt end there. Preparing the marketing material for the film and promoting your film is just as important. You need to provide material so we can market your film to reach the audience. As mentioned previosly, once the film makes it to the Official Selections, we know it’s good, but the audience doesn’t know yet, we all have to work together to they know your film is good.
Again, if it comes between 2 similar finalists, and one is ready to rock, and the other has a blank page in terms of press kit, by now we know how it goes, if at that stage approaching notifications a film still doesnt have at least a still image or synopsis, if we select them, we will have to spend lots of time chasing filmmakers, it happened before plenty of times. So we have to select who is ready, because it makes our work easier when managing over 100 films, and it shows the extra commitment of the filmmakers, that they are ready to make the most of the Official Selection opportunity, to keep marketing their work and further their career in the industry. Little signs that people give, you know, about their commitment with something.




These are just some quick notes, for all filmmakers to keep in mind for upcoming productions. These are very basic not only for the Sydney Indie, but for all film festivals with live screenings in front of an audience.


Watching so many films is one of the best “film school” learning experience, we learn a lot, specially what not to do.


We are always welcoming new members to our programing team.


If you would like to join us at the next editions of the Sydney Indie and find out more about the challenges and joys of the behind the scenes programming a film festival, just write to us with your expression of interest!

Please include a little bit about you, your experience and why you are interested in joining the programming team.

Email us at:
sydneyindiefilmfestival at gmail dot com

We will contact everybody to follow up the applications after the Sydney Indie 2019 events!



If you’re in Sydney, come and join us at the Sydney Indie Film Festival events!

Watch the films, meet the filmmakers and participate in the Q&As to find out their stories!

It’s always priceless experience to be able to watch the films and find out all the fascinating stories behind it, how they overcame the challenges to make it!

Plus, for everybody who have been to the Sydney Indie events, you know is a very friendly environment, with the true indie spirit, where everybody gets to meet everybody, enjoy great talks and start great new friendships!

We hear so many great stories of filmmakers who met here at the events!

Nothing beats real live experiences, that’s what life is all about!


The 2019 Program is now ready!

Check it out, choose your favorites, share with your friends, and come to the Indie Films celebrations!



Looking forward to seeing you all at the Sydney Indie 2019 events!



Much love,

The Sydney Indie Team




sydney indie film festival program