

Sydney Indie Film Festival 2018 – 28th October 6:00PM – Feature “Bernadette” + Shorts RomCom

Sydney Indie Film Festival 2018 – 28th October 6:00PM – Feature Film “Bernadette”

+ Short Films Romantic Comedy

“Bernadette” “A Room That Fits” “Ken” “The Bookshop”

+ Q&A with the Filmmakers!







Sun. 28 October 2018, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

For the Red Carpet Meetings & Greetings Shananigans :)


Director: John Psathas, United States

Cast: Sam Straley, James Psathas, Marilyn Bass, Sarah Shirkey, Johnny Lim, James Guyton, Sarah Jane Murray, Zach Weil, Jalen Eason, Steve Przybytek, Tommy Philbin, Mike Hall, Zoey Murphy, Eric Feltes

Synopsis: 1994 was the perfect summer… for heartache. At 15, Archie Kinsler has an impossible goal: to win the heart of Bernadette, a much older French foreign exchange student and local lifeguard, before she returns home at the end of the season. To gain her affection, Archie enlists the help of his first boss, Dixon, a local lothario, suburban legend, and the park district’s least valuable employee. Under Dixon’s tutelage, Archie and his friends learn about love, adulthood, and all the things that books can’t teach.

Australian Premiere

Trailer: https://vimeo.com/131947745



A Room That Fits

Director: Tina Matolov, Australia

Cast: Harriet Gordon-Anderson, Nicholas Starte

Synopsis: Jenny’s looking for a share house. By now she’s well rehearsed in the art of the ‘flat mate interview,’ having seen dozens of potential abodes prior to the one she now finds herself standing in front of. All she really wants is somewhere nice to live, preferably without any weirdo’s. She’s definitely not prepared for Geoff, who initially refuses to open the door. When she eventually makes it inside (not without some difficulty), Jenny soon realises that Geoff is quite a character. The room itself leaves a lot to be desired, with just enough space for a single bed, no windows, no cupboards, and the door only narrowly big enough to fit a person through. All this for the unquestionable price of $250 a week, bills and utilities not included. What a deal! Will Jenny take the room? What else has Sydney really got to offer after her unsuccessful search thus far? Is she tired of the house-hunt and willing to settle?

World Premiere


Director: Ryan Byrne, Australia

Cast: Giustino Della Vedova, James Agius, Andre Ong Carlesso, John Ward, Sheree Zellner

Synopsis: When Ken, a middle-aged divorcee, learns from his ex-wife that his only son has come out as gay he tries to reach out to and reassure his son. He quickly finds himself struck by feelings about his life as a young man and his own, long hidden, sexuality. Ken must decide whether he can live an openly gay life like his son or stay in the closet as his partner Marc believes they must.


The Bookshop

Director: Ashley Pollard, Australia

Cast: Alastair Osment, Emily Gruhl

Synopsis: A desperate writer tries to woo a publisher into taking on his manuscript. But has his arrogance, and stupidity, got in the way of something more real than a book deal?

Program subject to change without notice.