

Sydney Indie Film Festival 2018 – 24th October 7:30PM – Short Films #3 – Science Fiction #2!

Sydney Indie Film Festival 2018 – 24th October 7:30PM – Short Films #3 – Science Fiction #2!

“Andromeda” “A P E X” “ASTROKNOT” “Bracatus” “Hunting Season” “L’Hotel Bouclé” “The Noise of the Light” “The Only Flight” The Yowie” “Tony”

+ Q&A with the Filmmakers!







Wed. 24 October 2018, 7:30 pm

For the Red Carpet Meetings & Greetings Shananigans :)


Director Emily Dean, Australia, United States

Cast: Aaron Glenane, Kestrel Leah, Mai Brunelle, Emily Limyun Dean

Synopsis: ANDROMEDA is a sci fi short film about an android who, through her friendship with a little girl, becomes alive.

https://twitter.com/andromeda_film https://www.facebook.com/andromedashortfilm


Director Stuart T Birchall, United Kingdom

Cast: Pixie Le Knot

Synopsis: “Emergence of a hybrid human-alien consciousness from the void”

APEX explores the emergence of a higher life form, the convergence of intelligence and higher consciousness in the primordial void of infinite potential. A portal through which something greater and far more malevolent has emerged.

This conceptual film was inspired by a love of the ‘Alien’ franchise and the work of H.R Giger. I wanted to explore the Alien concept set in a future abstraction. We witness a genetic hybrid emerging from the void, composed of the alien and human DNA. The creature: a biological zenith represents the pinnacle in biological evolution and higher consciousness, the being represents balance, a queen and creator, the APEX of being.

I employed symbolism to build a subtext, using light (illumination) that symbolises the beginning or awareness or consciousness, the cube (structure) that represents the totality of human intelligence, alongside the blackness in both liquid and solid form to represent the void.

Sydney Premiere



Directror Joel Erkkinen, United States

Synopsis: This is a short film I made about love that knows no bounds and breaks barriers. After landing on the moon, an astronaut discovers a curious green and sparkly being with a single red eye. The intrigued astronaut inspects the properties of the extraterrestrial in a very non-scientific manner of poking, slapping, and tickling, the being seems to react… and the universe will never be the same.

Trailer: https://vimeo.com/263519473





Director Jordan Sanfrancesco, Australia

Cast: Jordan Sanfrancesco, Deb Foyster

Synopsis: A stranger from a strange land lands on planet Earth. Questions are asked and answers must be delivered.

Hunting Season

Director Shannon Kohli, Canada

Cast: Hannah Levien, Luke Camilleri

Synopsis: Callie (Hannah Levien,) a small town gas station attendant, is at a crossroads in her life. A recovering alcoholic, Callie is struggling to move on from her past in the blue-collar community. When a violent creature escapes from a group of local hunters, it happens upon her at the station. Callie comes face to face with the beast and an unlikely bond forms between creature and girl which will change Callie’s life forever. It forces her to face and conquer the demons of her past. Hunting Season is a fantasy short film set against a bleak blue-collar town in rural Canada. Our film captures what it means to be female, to be alone, and to find purpose in something strangely magical.

World Premiere



L’Hotel Bouclé

Director Abby Iverson, Australia

Cast: Luciano Martelotto, Tatiana Kotsimbos

Synopsis: Deliriously tired and drenched from the midnight pouring rain, Gino, a Spanish insurance broker on assignment in France arrives at his reserved, five-star business motel only to find that he has missed the check-in time. Frustrated, he submits himself to the search of an open motel in such an unfavourably wet and unfamiliar setting. On the verge of giving up hope, Gino is illuminated by a bright neon “vacancy”. What began as a search for a much needed rest, descends into the pits of terror as Gino finds himself in the grips of the secret truths of the mysterious L’Hotel Bouclè.

Trailer: https://vimeo.com/244962622

https://www.facebook.com/Lhotelboucle https://www.instagram.com/lhotelbouclefilm/

The Noise of the Light

Director Valentin Petit, France

Cast: Alice David, Jonathan Illel, Patrick Biyik

Synopsis: Pablo and Marius make a disturbing discovery about their childhood friend Lou: she appears to be able to synthesise into sound the light she is exposed to. But as she soon becomes an instrument of their musical experiences, her gift turns into a sort of curse…

Trailer: https://vimeo.com/248067698



The Only Flight

Director Royston Innes, United States

Cast: Simon Morton, Nita Mistry, Michael Dean Connelly, Linda Burzynski, Bo Gallerito, Anny Rosario, Jule Johnson

Synopsis: When a group of unwitting strangers wake up on an airplane in midair they must learn the true nature of why they were deemed enemies of the state.

Australian Premiere



The Yowie

Director Samuel Hutchinson, Australia

The Yowie is an 80′s inspired documentary that peeks into the life of “Yowie” Dan as he escapes the doldrums of his normal life to search the Australian bushland for a mysterious hominid (ape-man aka ‘The Yowie’).

Sydney Premiere

Trailer: https://vimeo.com/229079182

https://www.facebook.com/mustgofasterfilms https://www.instagram.com/mustgofasterfilms/


Director Perry Lam, Australia

Cast: Ryan Sobolski, Megan Barlow, Nilendra Fonseka The world has ended. Synopsis: The remnants of humanity now live underground.

Tony, one of the last survivors, is tasked with staving off another disaster by pushing a button every 12 hours. After a confrontation with the rest of the survivors, he chooses to stop pushing the button, and discovers that there is more to the world than he initially believed. World Premiere. This is my latest work.

Trailer: https://vimeo.com/255214933


Program subject to change without notice.